- Dunelm deals in a variety of products that includes Bedding, Curtains, Furniture, Lighting, Cushions, Decor etc. You can visit their official website and order items of your preference. However, if you are facing any issues or want to contact Dunelm head office London, you can either visit at the following address or send a letter explaining your issues. Dunelm head office Leicester address is:
Store Support Centre, Dunelm Group PLC, Watermead Business Park, Rayns Way, Leicester LE7 1AD, United Kingdom.
- You can even reach Dunelm head office by making a call at Dunelm head office telephone number Leicester 0116 264 4400. The call can be made between opening hours which are 9 AM-5 PM from Monday to Friday. You cannot call on Saturday and Sunday as Dunelm head office address is closed on weekends. You can use this number to resolve your general inquiries. Dunelm head office UK can even be contacted through email at Dunelm head office email address [email protected].
- If you want to access Dunelm customer services, you need to make a call at Dunelm customer support contact number 0345 165 6565. The postal address where you can write your concern or personal visit is given below:
Dunelm Direct, Green Street, Radcliffe, Manchester M26 3ED
- If you want to raise your concern in front of Dunelm CEO, you can send it through email at Dunelm CEO email address [email protected]. However, complaints related to Dunelm services can be filed at the Dunelm head office complaints number 0345 165 6565. Dunelm customer service representatives will take your complaint seriously and will try to provide best solution within minimum time.
- If your concern is related to investor relations, you can make a call at Dunelm Investor relations number 0116 264 4439. The inquiry can even be made through email at Dunelm investor relations email address [email protected]. If you want to visit the Dunelm office to clear your queries related to investors, the following is the address:
Dawn Durrant, Dunelm Group plc, Watermead Business Park, Syston, Leicestershire LE7 1AD
Head office | Number | Address | Opening Hours | |
Dunelm Head office address UK | 0116 264 4400 | [email protected] | Store Support Centre, Dunelm Group PLC, Watermead Business Park, Rayns Way, Leicester LE7 1AD, United Kingdom | Monday 9 AM-5 PM
Tuesday 9 AM-5 PM Wednesday 9 AM-5 PM Thursday 9 AM-5 PM Friday 9 AM-5 PM Saturday closed Sunday closed |
Dunelm Customer service contact | 0345 165 6565 | Dunelm Direct Green Street Radcliffe Manchester M26 3ED |
Monday 9 AM-5 PM
Tuesday 9 AM-5 PM Wednesday 9 AM-5 PM Thursday 9 AM-5 PM Friday 9 AM-5 PM Saturday closed Sunday closed |
Dunelm Investor relations | 0116 264 4439 | [email protected] | Dawn Durrant Dunelm Group plc Watermead Business Park, Syston, Leicestershire LE7 1AD |
Dunelm CEO email address | [email protected] |
Worst online shopping experience I’ve ever had on two occasions over the last week !!,
Can you get some one to give me a call please I need to speake to some one
About a problem at one of your depos
Some one high up the ladder please who will listen to me please thank you
Official complaint. Both regarding ‘policy and procedures’ and appalling customer service
Would appreciate someone in ‘authority’ that willl calmly explain the why’s and wherefore’s and not become abusive as I expereinced in the Warrington store today. Regards.
Absolutely dismal service goods not received on the latest date for delivery advised . Went on chat and waited 12min to talk to an agent, messaged Stuart H who was terrible and blamed me for booking a decorator so asked for refund and was told he had to email DHL and goods returned before I could get money back after waiting over a week, I hadn’t even received my order .
Save money and time go to a profession supplier, customer service is a disgrace as is the service. Don’t believe Dunelm own policy wording on the site making false promises they can’t deliver. This was the first and last time I will ever use the company!
They are the absolute pits. They should not be in business as they hide behind a cloak of secrecy as the only ones they you can get through to sre customer service!!! Shame on you Dunrlm. Getting onto tip off zbtitsin and daily mail about this company. Do eish I had read reviews before spending eight hours in shop buying goods for a new spsrtment