The customers can send any of their requests about any service or if would like to share their feedback, they can do so by email via the Think Money customer service email [email protected] . If you wish to speak with an advisor over the telephone, you may call the Think Money customer service phone number 0161 779 5000 and contact Think Money from abroad by dialing the Think Money customer contact number + 44 161 779 5000. The Think Money customer service opening hours for the existing Think Money customers are from Mon- Thurs 8AM- 8PM, Fri 8AM- 6:30PM and Sat 8AM- 4:30PM and if you are a new customer, then you may call from Mon- Thurs 9AM- 8PM and Fri 9AM- 5PM. For your help, there are many questions which are already been answered in the Think Money help centre, which you may access through this page. The customers are timely sent the information and offers about various products and services, and if you do not wish to receive any marketing communications, you can send the requests via the Think Money email address [email protected]
ThinkMoney UK contact Numbers
Thinkmoney Contact Address
For any correspondence to be sent by mail, the customers can refer to the following ThinkMoney contact address and send all the required documents so that Think Money customer support team can revert back as early as possible. If you wish to visit the office personally, then you may refer to the map for the location via the page.
ThinkMoney, Think Park, Mosley Road, Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1FQ
Thinkmoney Managed Current Account
The users can ask any of the questions about the managed current account or if would want to open the account, they can contact the Think Money customer service at the Think Money contact number 0161- 0161 672 8910 here and the team will be more than happy to assist further. You can also apply online by filling in the contact form via the page.
Think Money Balance Check
The customers have been offered various ways to check the Think Money balance as follows-
- Online account– you can sign in to your Think Money online account via the page and select the ?account summary? tab
- Telephone– you may call the Think Money customer service number 0161 779 5000 and follow the given prompts
- Through the Think Money apps– the Think Money apps can be downloaded via the page and then the needful can be done.
Think Money Lost Card Number
If your Think Money prepaid card has been lost, stolen or damaged, the customers are required to quickly sign in their Think Money online account via the page and select the tab ‘Lost or stolen cards’ to block it. Otherwise, you can call the Think Money lost card number 0161 779 5000 or +44 161 779 5000 here when calling from abroad and the Think Money customer service team will take necessary action. The phone lines are open for 24 hours. In the meanwhile, if you wish to have emergency cash, you can withdraw from any PayPoint outlets.
Think Money Prepaid Card Activation
Once you have received your new card, it is very easy to activate it by following either of the following ways-
Phone Service– you can call the Think Money helpline 0161 779 5000 and follow the given instructions
Text Message– you can text CARD followed by the last four digits of the long number on the front of your card to the Think Money number 81122 or 0778 620 0077 here
Think Money Direct Debit Request
The Think Money direct debit can easily be created online by signing in your account via the page. All the steps to be followed thereafter have been explained through this page. This request can also be made using the text message service. You can text ?CHANGE?, followed by ?add? and details of what you wish to add to the Think Money number 81122 or 0778 620 0077 here. There are some videos also to explain about the direct debit settings, which you may check via the page.
Think Money Cancel Direct Debit
The customers have been offered three ways to cancel the direct debit setting as explained below-
- Online– you can log in to your Think Money online account via the page and follow the steps as listed through this page.
- Text message– the customers are required to text ?CHANGE?, followed by ?cancel? and the details of what you would like to cancel to the Think Money number 81122 or 0778 620 0077.
- Over the Phone– you can call the Think Money bank contact number 0161 779 5000 here and request for the cancellation.
Thinkmoney Credit Card Customer Service
The Think Money credit cards are issued by Capital One. If you have any questions about them, you may call the Think Money credit card phone number 0344 481 2812 and +44 115 993 8002 when calling from outside the UK. The eligibility of the customers is checked online through QuickCheck. So, you have to enter the required details through this contact form. After the details are verified, it will be passed over to Capital One who will perform a QuickCheck. If in case, the credit card has been lost or stolen, then you may call the emergency helpdesk at the free Think Money credit card contact no 0800 952 5267
Think Money Credit Facility
The Think Money credit facility enables the users to borrow money when they need it and then pay it as per their convenience. You can apply for the service if you have had an active Think Money managed current account for three months. The customer can check their eligibility by calling the Think Money phone number 0161- 0161 672 8977 here and if the eligibility is positive, then you may apply for the facility either using your Think Money online account or by calling the Think Money contact number 0161 779 5000
Think Money Flexi Loans Contact
The Think Money flexi loans offer you to borrow between ?300 and ?1,500 and then choose to repay it over a period of 6 to 12 months. You can call the Think Money customer service advisors at the Think Money 0161 672 8988 here to check your eligibility to borrow. To get a flexi loan, the customers are required to have a thinkmoney managed current account. If the application is accepted, then the documents are sent to you by post or email.
Think Money Loans Contact Details
The customers can apply online and fill in the Think Money loan application through this page. As a Think Money account customer, you get entitled to borrow after your first income is paid into your account.
Thinkmoney Motor Insurance
The customers can easily get the online quotes for the car insurance cover via the page by submitting all the details of the driver, the vehicle information and about claims or convictions, if any. For all questions about the thinkmoney motor insurance cover, the Think Money advisors are reachable at the Think Money car insurance phone number 0161 672 8991. The Think Money contact hours are from Mon- Thurs 9AM- 8PM and Fri 9AM- 4PM and are closed on weekends.
Thinkmoney Life Insurance Contact
If you have any questions about the Think Money life insurance plans, you may call the team members at the Think Money customer number 0161 672 8991 from Mon- Thurs 9AM- 8PM and Fri 9AM- 4PM. The customers can also submit their details online via the page and get the quotes for the cover. Then you may compare with the other insurance providers and take your decision. Any of your questions can also be sent by email via the Think Money contact email [email protected] . All the information regarding the cover can be checked by visiting this page.
Thinkmoney Home Insurance Contact
The Think Money customer services can be contacted for any questions about the Think Money home insurance cover by dialing the thinkmoney contact number 0161 672 8991. The Think Money customer service opening times are from Mon- Thurs 9AM- 8PM and Fri 9AM- 4PM. You can also submit the required information online via the page and the get the best quote for the cover.
Think Money Make A Payment
The customers have been offered various ways to pay in their account as explained below-
Cash– you can pay cash into your account by cash at any of the nearest post office branch. The post office contact details can be checked via the page.
By Cheque– the cheques can be deposited at any of the post office branch or by post at the following address
Electronic Transfers– the faster payments or electronic transfers can be made online via your Think Money online account or by using the Think Money apps.
BACS Payments– BACS makes payments directly from one bank account to another.
Receiving Payment from Overseas– you can receive money into your Think Money managed current account from abroad by informing the sender about some details, which you may check via this page.
Think Money Ltd, PO BOX 255, Rotherham S98 1QR
Think Money App
The android and apple users can download the Think Money app using the page. You can check the balances, recent transactions or make the payments easily, safely and any time and where ever you are. The Think Money IOS app can be downloaded via the page and Android app via this page.
Think Money Press Office Phone Number
The journalists can contact the Think Money press office department for all their questions and requests either by calling the Think Money press office phone number 0785 521 4851 here or by email via the Think Money contact email [email protected] and the team members will quickly assist further.
Think Money Careers Contact
All the job opportunities can be searched and then applied for online by visiting the Think Money careers page. The users can easily get themselves registered via the page which will save their personal details and helps in applying and managing the job applications. If you have any doubts about the same or would like to have more information about a specific job, then you may contact the Think Money HR team online by submitting the details via the page. The team can also be called at the Think Money HR contact number 0161 413 9568 here or personally at the following Think Money address.
Think Money Group, Think Park, Mosley Road, Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1FQ
Think Money Fraud Department
If you are suspecting any kind of fraudulent transactions on your account or on the card, you should take immediate steps to solve the issue
- Contact Online– the customers can sign in their Think Money online account and select the tab ?services?. You should get the online account and Think Money apps blocked
- Over the Phone– you can call the Think Money emergency phone number 0161 779 5000 anytime and get the card blocked
- Text message– you should text BLOCK to the Think Money number 81122 or 0778 620 0077
Think Money Accessibility Contact
The customers with visual impairments can get in touch with the Think Money accessibility team for any assistance like the correspondence to be sent in braille or large prints. You can make the request by calling them at the thinkmoney phone number 0161 779 5000 and if you wish to make any changes to your computer settings to make it easy to use, you may refer to the guidelines via this page.
Think Money ID Requirements
In order to open the Think Money managed current account, the customers are required to send some ID proofs. You can check the related details by visiting the page. If, in case, you do not have the required ID documents, then you may access the documents as follows-
- HMRC Letter– you can call HMRC on their phone number 0300 200 3300 here and get a letter from them
- Household Bills– you can get your name added in the household bill
- Benefits Letter– an award letter from the benefits office
In case, if you are not able to upload the ID, then there can be many reasons to it. If you are not a UK citizen, then you need to send the original copy of your ID by post in the Think Money prepaid envelope. If you have not received an envelope in the post, you can request for the same by calling the Think Money contact number 0161- 0161 672 8910 here. Even when you are a UK resident and do not want to upload, you can send the same by mail. If there are any technical issues in uploading the documents, you can immediately call the Think Money phone number 0161 672 8910 (option 1)
Think Money Privacy Policy
If you have any questions as to how your personal information has been used, you can get in touch with the Think Money support team either via the Think Money contact email [email protected] or by mail at the address: Data Protection Officer, Think Park, Mosley Road, Trafford Park, Manchester, M17 1FQ
Think Money Complaints
The Think Money group has always worked with a vision to provide the best of products and services. Still, at times, the customers may not be happy. So, they are fully entitled to report their issues to the concerned department so that the problem is resolved in the shortest possible time. You have been given various options to file a complaint as explained below
- Over the Phone– you can call the Think Money customer contact number 0161 779 5000 here
- Via Email– you can contact Think Money by email via the Think Money customer service email [email protected]
- By Post– you can send the details via the below mentioned Think Money complaints address
ThinkMoney, Think Park, Mosley Road, Trafford Park, Manchester M17 1FQ
If, in case, you are not satisfied with the given response, or if the issue has not been resolved, the matter can be forwarded to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to be reviewed again. FOS can be contacted at their free phone number 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123 or +44 207 964 0500 when calling from abroad. You may also contact via their email address [email protected] or by mail at the address: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR and more related information can be checked by visiting their web page. Still, if not satisfied; then the issue can also be referred to Small Claims Mediation, which is an alternative dispute resolution provider. Their details can be checked through their page. Regarding the online transaction disputes, the issue can also be forwarded to the European Online Dispute Resolution platform (ODR platform) through their page.
Contact ThinkMoney through social media- Facebook, Twitter and mobile apps
ThinkMoney is a leading banking services provider in the United Kingdom. As a part of Think Money Group of companies, it helps the users to manage their finances and offering financial help and advice. Think Money Limited is authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The customers have been offered to easily for the account services online or speak to the advisors over the telephone. They can also discuss any of their doubts through the email or via the social platforms.
- ThinkMoney Website
- ThinkMoney Online Login Page
- ThinkMoney Online Registration Page
- ThinkMoney Facebook
- ThinkMoney Twitter
- ThinkMoney Google plus Page
- ThinkMoney LinkedIn Page
- ThinkMoney IOS App
- ThinkMoney Android App
- ThinkMoney Press Releases
- ThinkMoney News Advice Page
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